CRL completed its highly successful summer research program with the annual summer poster session on July 26 showcasing 99 posters by undergraduate and high-school students who engaged in research under the mentorship of IUPUI faculty during the months of June and July. Students practiced their oral communication skills while presenting their work to faculty, staff, students and family members in attendance. For the first time, this event included a scavenger hunt for students in which they searched for clues among the presentations. The winners of this popular and educational game were presented with JagCards: J’Adore Hatcher, an aspiring chemistry major in the IU Simon Cancer Center Summer Research Program (IUSCC SRP) ($50); Run Sui Lian, a biology major and UROP scholar ($50); IUSCC SRP scholars Joy Morounfolu, a high-school student ($25), and Taylor McLamb, a neurobiology-physiology double-major aspirant ($25); UROP scholar Kelly Moors, a neuroscience-French double major ($25); and Butler University biology major Omar Aasar, a participant in the Dental Summer Undergraduate Research Program at the IU School of Dentistry ($25).